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We had 3 demos done at this meeting:
1. Covered buttons...shown by Claude
2. Vertical Buttonholes in cardigan band shown by Claude
3. Weaving demonstrated by Geri
We also had a discussion on Yarn weights and reading and understanding the number designations on the cones
Covered Buttons demonstrated by Claude Yeager
Plastic rings the diameter you wish for your buttons
Yarn as desired (probably the same yarn you made your garment with)
Crochet Hook...size appropriate for your yarn
Tapestry Needle
Diagram A: create a slip knot in your yarn, slip the crochet hook into it and proceed by single crocheting over the plastic
ring as shown. Continue until you have gone completely around the ring.
Diagram B: Complete the circle of Single crochet by joining to the first single crochet with a slip stitch. Pull the
yarn through to secure and cut off leaving approximately 12 inches ( you will use this yarn to attach your button as well).
Diagram C: Now thread this yarn through the tapestry needle (the diagram shows this step using a green yarn so you can
see it, but remember, you are using the tail of the yarn you have been working with. Using the needle, make a stitch through
the top of approx every 3rd single crochet around the ring. Do NOT go into every Single crochet.
Diagram D: Now, pull this thread snug, you will see that it rotates the single crochet inwards (use your fingers to help
it as you find necessary). You now have your button completed and can secure the button to your garment as desired.
OTHER IDEAS: attach a bead or a tiny button or other decoration to the center of each button as desired. Remember, these
are your buttons so create your own design as you wish.
Vertical ButtonHoles in double Cardigan Band
Demonstrated by Claude
Hang side of sweater requiring buttonholes with wrong side facing you.
1. With tension 1 full number less than garment tension, knit 5 rows.
2. With separate piece of ravel cord for each buttonhole, knit by hand the stitches for each buttonhole. (If you find
it helpful, knit a second row by hand on each buttonhole with a different color of ravel cord...this will help you find the
stitches for rehanging the buttonhole)
3. Knit another 5 rows.
4. Knit 1 row at tension 3 whole numbers larger than garment tension.
5. Knit 5 rows at tension 2 whole numbers lower than garment tension
6. Pick up the stitches from the ravel cord...you will pick up the stitches closest to your machine...and place then
on the corresponding needles.
7. Place carriage in Hold (check your manual for the correct setting for your machine).
COR, Place all needles in hold, except for the needles to the right of the first buttonhole. (Leave the buttonhole stitches
in HOLD. **Knit to the left on these needles. Place the needles to the right of the buttonhole in hold as well too.
8. Bind off the buttonhole stitches using the method of your choice (see note below titled: BIND OFFS). Place needles
you have emptied back to non working position.
9. Place the loop from the bind off onto the next needle in hold. Move the carriage back to the right. (no stitches
will knit).
10. Place the next needles to the left of the bound off stitches into work up to the next buttonhole stitches (leave
those stitches in Hold).***
11. Repeat from ** to *** until you have knit across the row.
12. COL, knit across to the right and the last set of needles you have just knit but leave all the rest in hold. *Crochet
cast on with the yarn over the buttonhole stitches just beside the needles you have just knit on, pull all the needles back
to hold, move carriage back to left (no stitches knit), place next set of needles into work, knit acroos to the right on these**.
Repeat from * to ** until you have knit across the row. COR
12. Now hang the stitches from the other side of the ravel cord onto the corresponding needles...you will have one last
stitch than on the previous row...to have the stitches line up correctly, start with the stitch on the right and hang until
you have no more on ravel cord...the one on the left will not have a buttonhole stitch from the ravel cord. Pull all needles
out to hold to allow stitches to knit off easier. Take carriage off of hold position.
13. Knit 5 more rows at 2 whole tensions less than Garment Tension.
14. Pick up the cast on row of stitches from the band and hang on your needles. Pull all needles out to hold to allow
stitches to knit easier. Knit one row and cast off.
A. Bind off using your One eyed Transfer Tool:
You will work from Carriage Side:
1. Knit the first stitch closest to the carriage by hand by pushing the needle forward making the existing stich slip
behind the latch on the needle and then taking the yarn under the needle and over the top(this is a clockwise motion)into
the latch and then pulling the yarn through to create a new stitch.
2. * Now, transfer the second stitch from the carriage onto the new stitch you created on the first needle and then using
the transfer tool move this pair onto the needle you just emptied.
3. Now, slide this needle forward to allow both of these stitches to slide behind the latch. Now wrap the yarn around
the needle the same way you wrappped it in step 1 and pull thru and create a new stitch. **
4. Repeat from * to ** across.
B. Latch tool Bind Off resembling Crochet around Gate Pegs
1. Take the first stitch onto your latch tool.
2. Keeping your yarn behind the gate pegs,* take the latch tool in front of the gatepegs and remove the next stitch from
the needle onto the latch tool and slide both back behind the latch and grab the yarn with the tool, pull through and create
a loop on the latch tool.** Repeat from * to ** across .
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