With MC,
Continue with the tension swatch.
Slip pattern Swatch
After the 2 contrast rows, with MC thread your carriage and program your machine for SLIP according to the
manual and knit your slip swatch.Please check your manual for all the setting required for your machine
to knit slip.
Write the page number here________________
We will use Punchcard #1 in most of the punchcard sets.
In the Brother electronic machines it is: #256 in the Stitch World of the KH930 and KH940 Brother Knitting
Write the pattern number here for your particular machine________________
for those of you who don't have the 930/940 the pattern is this (x refers to a black stitch or an unpunched
hole in the card and O refers to the white stitch or punched hole in your card)
This pattern would need to be repeated across the card and down far enough on the card to connect the card
if you are making your own card.
If you are hand pulling these needles on Hobby (Plastic bed machines) or basic machines without patterning,
this means you will need to hand pull every other needle each row, alternating the needles each row (and yes, virtually any
machine can do this!)
Write down the page number with the instructions in your manual___________________
For those with manual machines, your machine may have come with a a 1x1 needle pusher tool to aid with the
needle selection. Sure, you can push them out to holding position one needle at a time, but using the tool (which for me is
what makes machine knitting soo much fun, the gadgets and gizmos) makes that process a snap <VBG>
Knit your swatch. Remember to mark your needles as you desire and do 2 rows of CC between your rows of your
swatch and the waste yarn.
Bind off: Back Stitch bind off from L to R
I think the instructions in the Brother KH270 as well as the Brother KH9340/940 manual show it as well as
possible, so I have included those instructions right here. This is the same method as we will be doing in Lesson 4, but we
will do it from the opposite side in Lesson #4.
right click on the picture for an enlarged view